In the second installment of our ARound: Najaf series, Paris-based Iraqi architect Turath Jamil offers insight on the architectural design...
Tamayouz Excellence Award, an international awards programme that champions excellence in architecture, recently launched a seven-day design challenge, prompting architects...
Sahar M. Kharrufa has surveyed Mosul’s historical structures to record their architectural expressions. Here, she shares some of her illustrations...
The project sits in Saudi Arabia’s Empty Quarter and draws inspiration from the surrounding desert landscape. Dubai-based architecture practice X-Architects,...
The medical office building also contains walking paths that respond to solar patterns, ensuring the interior spaces make the most...
In this new series by Round City, Paris-based Iraqi architect Turath Jamil explores the architecture and history of one of...
The UAE arts and design centre has announced an open call for its ‘Project Revival Fund’. Local and regional creatives...
Borgi Bastormagi’s recent collection ‘Shaping 90’ features a series of objects suited to fit the corners of tight living space....
Designed by MOST Monti Studio, the Italian Cultural Institute of Dakar sits in a transformed 1970s villa. Located in Dakar,...
Tamayouz Excellence Award has launched a seven-day challenge for architects and designers to create an self-isolation space. In response to...