Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

If you are submitting an architecture or design project to be featured on the website, please follow our requirements for publication. Upload all documents to Dropbox or Google Drive and paste the link in the ‘Message’ box at the bottom of the contact form.

Text Guidelines

-       All text must be in English

-       Please provide a 100-word abstract of your        pitch

-       Please provide 500-1000 word description of your project

-       Please provide the name of the architects/designers, photographers, suppliers, and anyone else involved in the project

-       Please provide the date of project completion, or proposed completion date

-       Please provide the project status

-       Please provide the project size

Image Guidelines

-       Please provide a minimum of three photographs/renders

-       Please provide a minimum of three drawings

-       Add the right credits for each image

-       Caption each image in the file name

-       Make sure all images are medium-resolution (2400 px wide)

-       Make sure all visual files are in JPEG or PNG

-       For drawings, please include visuals that have minimal writing on them

Thank you for following our guidelines, this will make the review process much more efficient and helps us publish your story faster. 

Contact / Submit 

In order to get in touch, fill out the contact form here and someone from the team will be in touch.