The new collections combine the special glass with recycled material. Based in Beirut, design studio T Sakhi has revealed two...
Due to the impact of Covid-19 on higher education, academics worldwide have raced to restructure their remaining weeks of the...
Designed by Alidoost & Partners, the Vira office building features an exterior design that filters natural light. Located on Yousefabad...
WTA Architecture + Design Studio has created emergency medical structures to aid hospitals in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The...
The GCC-based initiative has changed its 2020 programme to respond to current events. Art Jameel, a GCC-based initiative (with locations...
The famous artist published his most recent piece on his Instagram page last Wednesday. The well-known, yet anonymous British street...
Samir Sadikhov has transformed the cybertruck into a minivan. Azerbaijani automotive architect Samir Sadikhov has recreated the Tesla Cybertruck as...
Manuel Alvarez Diestro has released a new photography series that highlights the urban environment of Morocco, Algeria and Egypt by...
12 buildings designed by the great American architect are now open to virtual tours. A recent initiative called #WrightVirtualVisits will...
Prolific Iraqi architect Rifat Chadirji has greatly contributed to Iraq’s modernism, thought and built environment. Here, we offer a look...