In search of Baghdad’s identity, Paris-based architect Zeina Magazachi explores four different buildings that express Iraq’s modern architecture. This series...
In the second installment of our ARound: Najaf series, Paris-based Iraqi architect Turath Jamil offers insight on the architectural design...
In part three of the ARound: Najaf series, Paris-based Iraqi architect Turath Jamil discusses the traditional house architecture of Najaf....
In part five of Round City’s ARound: Najaf series, Iraqi architect and PhD candidate Turath Jamil examines the city’s educational...
UK-based Iraqi architect Ayad Al-Tuhafi shares his experience of working with Rifat Chadirji on his last design. On 29 April...
In part six of Round City’s ARound: Najaf series, Iraqi architect and doctor Turath Jamil examines the city’s historic khans.
In part four of the ARound: Najaf series, architect and Round City contributor Turath Jamil explores the history and architect...
In this new series by Round City, Paris-based Iraqi architect Turath Jamil explores the architecture and history of one of...
Digital technology should serve as a means to enrich local architectural identity and address contemporary challenges, emphasizing the importance of embracing technology as a tool for innovation rather than a threat to tradition.
Iraqi academic No’man Bayaty explores Erbil’s Justice Tower, and provides insight into its architectural form and the urban challenges it poses.