Osaka-based writer Nader Sammouri explores the relationship between architecture and film as both archives of urban development, with a special...
For LWK + PARTNERS’ fourth installment of the Red Envelope journals, themed ‘ARCHITECTURE + FILM’, the company’s MENA managing director, Kerem...
Karwa Mosque: A Dome-less Islamic Prayer Space in Malaysia
In a suburb on a Malaysian island, a mosque designed by an emerging female architect, Eleena Jamil, challenges traditional Islamic design in Southeast Asia.
Architecture has long been used as a secondary character in films – setting the scenes by providing context, foreshadowing storylines...
An analysis of the rise of female students of architecture in the UAE, and the paths that lay ahead of...
For LWK + PARTNERS’ third installment of the Red Envelope journals, themed ‘Women’, the company’s MENA managing director, Kerem Cengiz,...